
Julian Tanase Photography

My Minox journey continues…

5 frames – from the train

5 frames – from the train

Travelled to Sofia Bulgaria by train last week. I usually do the trip by car, but on this occasion I chose the train. Lots of time to rest, read, work. Shot a few photographs of the stations along the way, in both Bulgaria and Romania, through the glass of the carriage window. To my surprise, these came out better than expected (the dirt on the outside of the window made me think I wasted the frames). Camera was a Nikon FM3a, and films were Fomapan 100 and Adox HR50.

I have changed the developer for both of the films aforementioned; where I usually process Fomapan films im either Rodinal or D76/ID11, I now tried the 510 Pyro, of which I have heard great things. Bought a bottle last month, and I was curious how it fares. Apparently great indeed, however it’s a pain to draw anything from that molasse-thick syrup. The Adox HR50 I process normally in HR-DEV, but this time I tried the Atomal 49, having great results with the low speed Adox CMS 20 in the past. Apparently this one gives good results too, even better in my opinion than the dedicated HR-DEV with which I have a hate-hate relation.

Bulgaria – Fomapan 100, 510 Pyro

Bulgaria – Fomapan 100, 510 Pyro

Bulgaria – Fomapan 100, 510 Pyro

Bulgaria – Fomapan 100, 510 Pyro

Romania – Adox HR50, Atomal 49
