
Julian Tanase Photography

My Minox journey continues…

Hanimex Sekonic L-8

Hanimex Sekonic L-8

Very small light meter, and as it happens with this one here, in very good condition and reading almost up to par with my Lunasix 3. Lucky, I guess, as most of these selenium meters are either dead or, er, dead. As they sell for almost nothing these days, one can probably find such a meter with working cells, and not break the bank.

Made in Australia in the 60’s, it’s almost entirely from metal. It has three ways of measuring the light: flap closed (for very bright light, reading red marker), flap opened (low light, reading blue marker), and with the very low reading panel which I never got (it plugs onto the body of the meter), and it uses the yellow marker for reading the values on the shutter speeds ring.

Perhaps it looks a bit crammed, but it can be easily read. Pay attention to the zero position of the needle, it may look right but it needs a really close look. Mine was 1/2 stop lower, because of the needle not matching the zero position. Easily redressed situation, see the back of the meter.

You can see the place where the low light cell panel is plugged in the meter. As said, I never had one of those; once you plug it in, it enhances the ability of reading in low or dim light.

Small enough to compare it with the Minox meter, and in the early 2000’s I have used it as a metering companion for Minox cameras. Haven’t used it much in the last years, but it always nice to know I can rely on this light meter, if need be. A nice addition to any of the meterless cameras I own and use.
