
Julian Tanase Photography

My Minox journey continues…

Mamiya 16 Automatic (Revue)

Mamiya 16 Automatic (Revue)

Although it says REVUE on the camera, it is a genuine Mamiya 16 Automatic. Relabelled and sold in Germany for Revue, it is every bit the genuine thing. And that can be easily seen on the camera, because apart from the label, every information and engraving on the camera are indicating Mamiya (down to the lens information).

A subminiature viewfinder camera, using 16mm film negative, it entered production in 1959, in Japan. You can select the ASA from the left dial, which is also the manual calculator coupled to the selenium meter (needle type). The movable viewfinder is actually a bright optical frame, with parallax marks, easy to use. The lens is a Mamiya-Sekor f2.8 25mm lens, stopping down to f16, and the focus is manual.

Point your meter to the scene to be photographed, read the numbers, match these with the dial, which will set the aperture, and select your shutter speed. The speeds are from 1 to 1/200, plus B. A film type sort of reminder disc in the right corner, not couple to anything, and the film advance wheel. The shutter button is threaded for use of a release cable, and a tripod bush is on the right side, near the cold shoe for use of a flash unit. There is a flash sync socket on the left side of the camera.

In front of the camera you have 3 sliders, for the lens cover, filter (yellow, built-in) and distance setting, from 0.30 cm to infinity. The camera feels sturdy and looks like it could withstand quite a beating without being damaged.
