Let me be clear: I am not the one who came up with this idea. Seen it somewhere, I do not recall where. I only remembered this the other day, when I needed a V625A for a camera. As bad luck would have it, none was handy at that moment, so I went about doing this hack (I do not like the word, but I guess it’s descriptive).
All I needed was an O-ring and a LR44/V13; the O-ring goes around the LR44/V13 and you have a replacement for your 625 battery. Again, this works if you’re in a pinch, otherwise get a proper 625 for whatever you need it.
The dimensions fit; the camera I needed the 625 for was an old Nikkormat FT. The rubber ring, stretched over the LR44 was a perfect fit for the battery chamber, and it worked. Of course, one has to be aware that 1.5v battery may influence your camera’s meter, because you’d need a 1.35v. If you’re curious about such things as size and measurements, there you go:
- The 625 battery is 15mm in diameter, and 4mm thick. The O-ring I used is 12.5mm across, with a inner diameter of 10.5mm. The rubber thickness is 2mm, and when you mount it on the LR44 it stretches only 0.5mm, so the diameter of the contraption is exactly 15mm. The LR44 is 11mm in diameter, thickness 4mm. It works like a charm.
Personally, I never noticed anything wrong with the using 1,5v instead of the regular 1.35v, but this is me not you. I use V625 from Varta in all my devices that need such battery: OM1, Lunasix 3, Gossen Sixtar, Nikkormat FT, and others. They do work, and I m happy with this setup. I am not saying you should follow suit; do your own thinking and do not just pop in your camera a battery based solely on my advice.