
Julian Tanase Photography

My Minox journey continues…

4 frames to better understand this road

4 frames to better understand this road

I am going through a bit of a rough time, photography wise. Recently I noticed that I am looking for some different meaning of the various subjects I choose to photograph. I don’t know…something that really makes one think and look deeper than the usual tree or street or face. No idea if this makes any sense to anyone, but I probably try to surprise with the meaning and message of the things I get on film. I am on uncharted roads here, for me that is.

It’s a long way, to be honest, but I strongly believe I’m on a path that can shed some light on my photography, such as it is. No idea if I’ll get where I want, don’t even know exactly what I want, but the journey will be interesting. If anything, it will help me get understand why I am spending my time with a camera and film.

A possible dystopian future

Posterity looming

Faith behind bars

Going vintage

If any of these are worth your comments, do not hesitate, thank you.
