Agfa Clack – the bulky one Sold as the Weekender in the USA, this camera was produced between 1954 and 1965, …
Rolleiflex 3.5E – the affordable one One would assume the 3.5 is a lesser camera, because of all the hype enjoyed …
Rolleiflex 2.8 F – a Golden Age camera There was a time when film cameras lived in a Golden Age. I have heard …
A Christmas makeover of the Seagull 4A TLR I am not going to talk too much about this “camera makeover”, as it were. …
Pentacon Six TL – a hefty 120 SLR Until very recently, the heftiest camera I ever carried was my Nikon F4S, with the …
Sputnik Stereo – double the trouble The stereoscopic Sputnik camera was manufactured for a good number of years, by LOMO, between …
Etyud (ЭТЮД) – back to bare basics There is no better description of what the ETIUD (student in Russian) camera stands for, …
Seagull 4A – the Chinese TLRouble This Seagull TLR, model 4A camera, came to be in my possession in the very …