Sylvania Flash Bulbs – types, guides and diagrams Although some of you may find this hard to believe, the flash bulbs and cubes …
Mercury batteries are dead. Replacements? Certainly! I have had this document in my photography folder for a good 10 years, using …
Golden Power PX27A Switched recently to a new battery for my MInox 8×11 cameras (those that require one, …
A few words on 8×11 films and cartridges These were factory-loaded film cassettes, produced between 1978-1993, with approximation. From what I have gathered …
MR44 battery adapter for your Minox BL Not all Minox cameras (8×11) require a battery to function. You have the Riga/A/B/MX/AX, which …
8×11 developing reel – Film Stuff Lab In no way, shape or manner this should be construed as a professional review, for …
Jobo reel for Minox 8×11 film developing Very useful if you choose to process your Minox film in a Jobo 1500 tank, …
Minox ME2 8×11 Electronic Flash This is the largest Minox-produced flash unit. It is larger than any of the 8×11 …
Minox 8×11 daylight developing tank My first Minox dev tank, this. Bought in 1997, heavily used (and I mean really …