I have received these prints as part of a Minox lot purchased from Germany some time ago. Actually, I assume they are prints from Minox 8×11 film, because the pack they were in said so. The size of the prints is also small, only 7cm by 9cm. No idea of the area, but it’s heavily wooded and I would assume it could be anywhere. By the looks of it, the film is probably a slow one, I guess.
I would have liked to know more about the film (which, again, could very well be a slow speed negative), what camera (again, probably Minox A), and the chemistry behind this all. Anyways, I enjoy these prints nonetheless, for what they are. A moment frozen in time, which is what the photography is about, don’t you think?
LE- Managed to contact the seller of the Minox lot, of which these prints were a part. She could only tell me that these are her grandfather’s, and that he had more more, but they moulded and she threw them away. She also told me that her grandfather was a Minox user, and long time resident of German town of Weisenbach. The mountain are there all right, however I cannot confirm the prints are depicting that town or area. Thought this would be a nice piece of info to add to the story of these beautiful prints.