
Julian Tanase Photography

My Minox journey continues…

Olympus OM10 – the proper entry one

Olympus OM10 – the proper entry one

This was one of the cameras that I bought as an alternative to my then OM1, and also my first aperture priority SLR. Actually, this was the reason of buying it, in (I believe it was) 1993, because although the OM1 was a absolutely gorgeous machine, I wanted to see what the AP feature feels and works like. And I was taken by surprise, when shot my first film with the OM10. AN entry level camera, a consumer one, as they say, but what a great machine to use.

The film here is Fomapan 100, shot at 50, processed in ID11, scanned negative.

A bit awkward at first, because with all this AP thing, one tends to forget that the OM10 is actually just that: an aperture priority camera, no manual mode. So, I had to buy the manual adapter and then, I had both of the worlds at my feet. The joy this camera gave me is still remembered in my reminiscing of the old days. Some of my best shots were taken with this OM10. The film of choice back then was either Agfapan 100 or Kodak Tri-X 400.

This camera now belongs to my 14 yrs old daughter, as my gift for her when she took up film photography. This, together with some other cameras she owns now (Canon AV1, a Nikkormat FT, and a Kodak Retina 1a) form the foundation of what she calls “my growing collection”. I am glad that the OM10 is in her hands, I am happy.

Late edit: I was very surprised to read that the double-digit Olympus OM’s are not a Maitani work and he never sanctioned or approved the production of these models. I thought that, you know, he kind of did. But since this comes from a reputable specialist in repairing OM’s, one has to consider it worth of considering.
