
Julian Tanase Photography

My Minox journey continues…

Acmel M

Acmel M

Acmel M was produced by Asanuma Japan in 1984, and this model was sold by a companu named Microtec. The camera is plastic, no flash built-in, easy to operate and its functions are not exactly complicated, on the contrary. For example, advance of the film is done by rotating a thumb wheel, so no difficult camera operation at all.

It has a fixed lens Azonon of 14.3mm, in three elements. Controls are by aperture (4 of these, 3.8, 5.6, 8 and 11), while the speed of the shutter is fixed at 1/200. It sports a magnified viewfinder (.45%), displaying 85% of the area of the photograph. It is similar to the camera/cigarette lighter Minimax, produced by Nikoh. And of course, somewhat resembling the Acmel MD, the one with a built-in flash, but with some notable differences.

It uses the same 8×11 film format cassettes (Minox or other brands).
