The Revue MiniStar 8×11 camera is basically the Yashica Atoron, relabelled for Europe. I have a Mamiya 16 Automatic which was labelled Revue 16 Automatic and sold as such in Europe (Germany), but it is the same Mamiya 16, no two ways about it.
Revue MiniStar has a fixed focus of 18mm on a Yashinon 2.8 lens, and goes to a max of 16 as far as the f is concerned. Has a range of shutter speeds of B and 1/45 @ 2.8 to 1/250 @ 16.
It has a built-in light meter, which is a needle matching type. Reading the meter and matching the needle sets both of the f-stop and shutter speed. No manual choices for setting separate de shutter speed or aperture. A separate flash unit, using AG1 flash bulbs, synced with the camera. A frame counter is placed on the top deck, can be set manually if need be. The flash thread port can be used as a tripod connector.
It has a built-in yellow filter, sliding in front of the lens as per needed. The advance of the film is done by pulling the tab on the right side of the body. The main difference between this camera and a Minox one is that the Revue MS has a variable aperture, but it does not have the focusing lens on the Minox cameras. One has to be very careful when shooting the Ministar, as the DoF is responsible for a right focus.
It uses the same type of film cassette as a Minox camera, The cassettes match, and they work without any problems. It can take also the other 8×11 film cassettes, such as the Acmel ones. Loading the film is simple, just click on the lever on the left side of the camera, pull the bottom plate aside, load the film, close the plate which clicks into place. ASA setting is via the meter dial, on a sperate ring.
A very useful feature is the possibility of locking the release button via a ringlet which is concentric to the button. Turning it half way, it locks the release, so you cannot shoot accidentally if you already cocked the shutter. And yes, the user manual for this camera is the same as the Yashica Atoron one.
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