It just occurred to me that in spite of all the hubbub of people passing in all directions, cars honking, street noises and friends around, we are actually all alone with our camera when photographing in the street. No matter how many people surround you at the time, it is just you and your camera. You and it, it and you.
Trying to keep in the viewfinder that image that you have seen, brain in overdrive trying to remember the shutter speed or aperture needed, assessing what shadow you can and let the highlights fall where they may, all these done while you remember Dirty Harry’s lines: “Do you feel lucky, punk?”, slowly squeezing the shutter release.
So yeah, that is a special moment, of a personal and direct connection with the image you have seen, brief as it is. For a blink of an eye, your camera is the best extension of yourself designed to stop the flowing of the time, to chisel in the stone of your memories (and of others, if you so choose) the imprint of the place you have in the universe, in a minute segment of your passing and short life.
And if your eye has been true, that passing moment will endure at least for as long as you (and your film) will exist. May your days be full of such moments, and may your eye be always true.