
Julian Tanase Photography

My Minox journey continues…

Five dead hand cameras – my version of it

Five dead hand cameras – my version of it

When it comes to trends, I am not one for following suit, not really. There are some fantastic people out there, who manage to get zillions of subscribers on a single article, be that about cameras, film, technical side of all these, and so forth. They are what I’d call trend setters, and I do enjoy reading their blogs and check their work. However, I am not one of those guys, never been. And to be perfectly honest, I never fought for a higher rung of this ladder, it’s just not my way. I know what I am, who I am and most important, I know I am not that proficient so to set trends. I am just enjoying photography, film photography that is. And I am really happy to leave it at that. Also, quite happy to add my little something to an interesting thread or subject developed by other fellow photographers; it gives me the feeling I do belong (an entirely debatable matter) 🙂

Anyways, for the last months an interesting subject kept popping up on my reading list, a subject which was dealing with what is basically “your favourite 5 cameras”, which nobody will be able to pry off your dead hands. This subject was and is very often seen almost on every website or blog dealing with photography, under various titles; so I guess this dead hands thing is another way of putting it. You know, “if you’re marooned on an island, what film and camera would you take with you” sort of thing.

Each and everyone of us have a fav camera, or fav film, or whatever; it’s built in the human nature I guess, to get closer to an item which makes you happy, or gives you satisfaction, or it just feels great when around you. This is also true for people, cars, pens, don’t you agree? So I take this opportunity here to rant about my 5 preferred cameras, in the form of “these are my 5 dead hand cameras”. My hands, my cameras, my opinion.

Therefore, in no particular order:


The wonderful machines of yesterday, of which Kodak Retina Ia is part of. Incredible lens, and a wonderful little camera. Folds neat and small, a real pocket carry. Been with me since, well, always. And for years, my backup, which never let me down. Samples here.


Nikon FM3a, the camera that was supposed to be all end all SLR’s, which is not entirely true. But this one here is a wonderful piece of machinery, completely mechanical, and reliable. Easier, the camera that my hand reaches to, when I have to travel light. Coupled with a Nikkor 28/2.8 or 50/2, it is (for me) an ideal combination to shoot with.


The “old reliable”, a working horse of a camera, known as the Nikon F3. Look at those brassed edges as a result of being hard used since 1993 when I bought it. Never had the need to send it to repair, and it took some abuse as well along the years that passed. And yes, the winder is still as silky smooth as it was in its first day of use. I always feel like I am on some sort of assignment from National Geographic, in the 80s 🙂 .


The OM2n has been, for me, the dream camera that followed another one, the OM1. These two are still with me, and they had a beautiful and long life in my hands, over the very early 90s up to this moment. Never had to send any to the repairer, and they always delivered as good as they were suppose to. The AP function of the OM2n is one of the main reasons I love this machine, and also its excellent meter which is always spot on. With a Zuiko 50/1.4 on, I really have to struggle to get a bad photograph.


The old Nikkormat FT3, which for me has a certain personal meaning and value. It has been dropped, hit, scratched, dinged, and in every way, abused (not intently, though). And as such, it had to be sent to the repair shop (thank you, Oleg); it came back in excellent condition, and with its meter revived as well. Its ruggedness and reliability cannot be enough praised, reasons enough for me to have it here on this page.

The above list is only comprehensive of 5 cameras, because this is the scope of the entire article. I based my choices on ease of using, feel in my hands, meter accuracy, design and features. The size, weight and the likes are not equated here, for I do believe these are adjacent. However, if I had to add another 5, I would do so gladly, because there are others I enjoy tremendously and use with joy. I could easily add my old Nikon F2, one of my Minox camera, a Rolleiflex 2.8F, my Leica IIIf, Nikon F4, the OM1, and others. And how could I forget my old Olympus XA2, the backup camera for the last 10 or so years.

I would even go further and get bolder: why not “5 dead hand lenses” or “5 dead hand films”, I ask you. Because cameras are as good as the lenses and film behind them. And of course, we shan’t forget the human behind these all, for it is the human who sets this entire setup and triggers to freeze the moment.
