So, is that time of the year, eh? Again, yes. It’s high time that one’s resolutions for the next year have to be settled and it would be a good thing for the said resolutions to remain a word to keep, a duty of honour as it were. Therefore, I am trying to bargain with my own conscience to have a list. Nothing major, for the list will be a rather short one. I shan’t be found wanting where honour is concerned.
- Shoot more film; I have been a hoarder of film, now’s the time to become a waster of film. All right, not a waster as such, just use more film.
- Shoot manual more, both Minox and 35mm format. That Nikon FM3A is begging for it, literally.
- Use more of those costly chemicals; about half of them are still unopened since last year.
- Take a camera (any camera) on the road more often; not easy to do, for circumstances are not always in my favour, but I will endeavour to just carry one everywhere I go (that’ll raise an eyebrow or two)
- Try and experiment with expired film more often; plenty of that around, if I only think at the bulk rolls laying in my fridge, and of those long expired 35mm and 120 colour and BW, many of them of a respectable age.
- Get more familiar with the digital camera scanning method; actually, get acquainted with it.
- Get into night photography, when warmer nights will arrive, you understand. As it is now, I’m afraid the release cable will be frozen stiff, if you get my meaning.
- Use more often the 16mm cameras, because I owe them as much. No point in getting a good camera, get good film for it and then forget all about the matter. It is simply not done.
- More time to spend in the open, than in my arm chair; looks like in the last year I have been discussing more than using my cameras, which is not good for my self esteem. Rectifying this would be great !
- Use more the 120 cameras, because there is a lot to learn from this format. Plus, it scans beautifully and although I do not process colour film anymore, it would do me good if I can get some really nice photographs for a change, coming from me.
Well, this is about the main ones. I may get back to this list and add more, I am positive about it actually.