And so, the summer season of 2023 came to an end. I am kind of feeling good about it, because the horrid heat waves that plagued the entire continental Europe made my life (and that of my family and friends) a misery.
Anyways, just returned from the last summer holiday, spent on the great shores of the Black Sea. All was well, and as luck would have it, the last day of our holiday rained. So, summer’s gone. I snapped a lot of pictures while resting here, in both Minox and 35mm format. Some of these 35mm ones can be viewed here, not many though. Most of these were of personal nature, and I am not posting such content on the net.
The Minox ones are here for your perusal, if you wish. I managed to process just one roll, shot with Minox LX and Rollei Retro 80s, developed in Rodinal 1+25 for 7.5 mins. Scanned as usual, on Plustek. Enjoy !