
Julian Tanase Photography

My Minox journey continues…

Nikon Nikkor 50 1.4 AI – really my limit to fastness

Nikon Nikkor 50 1.4 AI – really my limit to fastness

This lens is a cherished one, but not because it is a Nikon one. It is a gift from someone with whom I share the same passion for photography, Nikon photography that is. It was gifted together with a Nikon F2 chrome, and I am indeed grateful for the generosity and friendship. If you are a film photographer or fan thereof, you know what I mean by saying that such gifts are making our world a better place.

Having said that, let me tell you that the very fast Nikon lenses were never my thing; one of my greatest disappointments was the Nikkor 50/1.2, because it was a royal pain to get something in focus with that poxy thing. I do not contest its reliability or capabilities of that lens, but for me it didn’t work, sorry.

Back to this 1.4: by the serial number, it was made between Aug 1974 – Jan 1976, and the description in the catalogue was “DOF on black, Ai kit 5”. I hope I haven’t made a mistake by claiming this to be true. Anyways, it is an example from the old style lenses, manufactured by Nikon. While not huge differences separates this glass  from the newer models, the differences do exist.

To be honest, I do not shoot THAT wide open, so 1.4 is something that I am not using regularly. My fun starts from 2 and I am really happy starting with 4 upwards the scale. That said, I always am happy to have a faster lens on my camera, if either film or light are challenging. In a tight spot, 1.4 can save the situation. In the same time, if the light is weak, focusing at that aperture is, again, a real pain. But it can be achieved, with care and patience.

