
Julian Tanase Photography

My Minox journey continues…

Solitude and seagulls

Solitude and seagulls

Rather empty, when I visited it. The few (very few) people were mostly there just to enjoy the salty air, I believe, for the sun was not present. Weather was not exactly what I would call friendly, and the sea was upset and murky. But in this area, the sea is always murky, even in the middle of the summer. The seagulls are present of course, but they’re quiet and expecting something, perhaps more people, so the annoying shrieks can make a full impact on as many as they can. As birds go, they can be really cunning.

Shot these frames with Olympus OM1 and Kodak Gold 100, but some of the prints came back somewhat sepia (!?). No idea what happened; although I was angry at first, I came to like them. Pretty much different, and to be honest, a breath of fresh (or different) air, so to speak. Sea air, that is.

I really like this photograph, not for the technicality of it (rather sub par, I know), but for the message. This young girl strolled the entire length of the beach, clearly enjoying the solitude and the lack of people around. She stood there, looking at the waves splashing on the shores, and at one point she picked up a rock and studied it. She behaved like a sea creature, thrown on the shore by a curse, unable to get back in her world.
