
Julian Tanase Photography

My Minox journey continues…

Passing them by

Passing them by

Yes, we do pass these human fellows by, in our daily quest for whatever. They can be seen in many places, usually too distraught, high, imbibed with sadness, broken dreams and lack of hope. Do we give the minutest thought on what happened to them, and why? Do we have the foggiest ? Do we even care? And if we do, what do we do then?

Many times we just see them as a proof that we made it, and they are something that reminds us we’re the lucky ones. Well, without the slightest compassion, how can we be lucky? If you strip us of our wallets, our fancy cars and clothes, what remains are there to justify this haughty sentiment of better-ness?

Granted, we all work (well, most of us) for our daily bread, for our things and status, stuff that makes us the “better” ones. But a tragic event may take that away; what do you get then? Are we really better human beings than these unfortunates? Compassion is one of the most enduring characteristics of our human existence. Let us acknowledge this, look around us and put it to work.

Despondent, without a licker of hope in front of them, many take to the impossible to imagine for us way: living on the streets. Without any medical insurance, without a fix address, without proper food, without a job, without enjoying their life and their dreams, without anyone giving a toss about them and about their well-being. Without any support from the next-to-them human beings, meaning us. Yes, that’s you and I, and others around us.

Alcohol and drug consumption are creating a damage that puts them in the early graves of a generation (this generation), and others will follow. Granted, we may give some stuff or money as donations, we ay even help in a homeless people care centre, but more than that? Can we do ore than that? Like a good word, a warm and empathic attitude. I do not know the answers, but I am certain that if more and more people will stop and care, some lives can be put right.

Nikon F4, Fomapan 100 @50 in D76. Shot on the streets of [no matter what] country in the Eastern Europe.
