
Julian Tanase Photography

My Minox journey continues…

Revisiting Rothenburg with Ilford Pan F50

Revisiting Rothenburg with Ilford Pan F50

I’m very partial to old architecture, usually to be found in well preserved medieval towns. Many times I travel to or choose my destination based on this single fact, just so that I can walk, admire and photograph places where one can still walk in the steps of long gone people. I always try to understand and feel the life in those old times, and sometimes, often enough actually, I get some glimpse into the past.

Rothenburg is such a town, and more. However, on this visit I snapped a few other photographs, showing some of different features of this place: tourists, the Xmas vehicle (a main attraction for said tourists), excellent examples of medieval architecture, medieval pharmacy, and again, lots of tourists. I hope you like it. Camera I used was an Olympus OM1, with Ilford Pan F50.
