
Julian Tanase Photography

My Minox journey continues…

Some portraits of my daughter

Some portraits of my daughter

These are a few of the portraits of my daughter, in the first one she is posing for me and fooling around with my 105/2.5 lens. I have always been intimidated by shooting indoors in low light, never got the results I was looking for. Not for lack of trying, believe you me.

This photograph is part of a long series of taking the portraits of the family, much to the annoyance of my young’un, because that is the time when she is doing her homework. But she is very gracious in allowing her old man waste a few frames every now and then.

Am I closer to understand the somewhat complicated chemistry of shooting in low light ? Probably not yet, as I am still not there. But with every frame shot in low light, I am closer. One day, I promise you…


Nikon FM3a, Kodak Tri-X 400@160 (expired 2003), handheld.
