Made at the Belorussian factory in Minsk BelOMO, Vilia is a simple plastic camera, using 35mm film. It was equipped with a 40/f4 lens, a triplet glass, coated. Shutter speeds from 1/30 to 1/250 of sec, whereas the apertures range from 4 to 16. Shutter is cocked and film advanced by means of a lever situated on the back of the camera, top plate. A cold shoe is present, and a rewind knob is available for pulling the film back into the canister.
Viewfinder is a simple one, non parallax. The exposure system is a symbols one, which has to be observed ad set according to the weather and lighting conditions. Minimum focus at 0.8m. The camera is completely mechanical, does not need batteries to be operated. No metering system either.
Speeds and such information are displayed quite nicely on the lens housing, although it does appear a bit confusing because it looks like crammed information, but is manageable. One thing which may seem a bit confusing (but is not actually) is the release lever, situated near the lens, on the body.
I have had this camera for God know how long. I remember taking it on trips with my parents, loaded with color negative AzoColor, made in Romania, or even Svema 64 Russian negative. What I do not remember is the quality of the photographs taken; it is probable that I was ok with it.
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