
Julian Tanase Photography

My Minox journey continues…

Last photographs of 2022 with Minox IIIs

Last photographs of 2022 with Minox IIIs

All taken with Minox IIIs and APX 100 rated 80. Something went a bit strange during the developing of this particular negative, no idea what. Perhaps the temp or agitation were not exactly what they should have been. Shadows are all right, highlights…meh, could’ve been better.

The developer used here is D76, and I get a feeling that Rodinal was actually the needed one, in a 1+75 dilution perhaps? Rodinal was the usual one for this film in the past, but as all the 35mm APX 100 in D76 came out really nice, I thought to try the same combination in Minox format. Not exactly what I hoped for, but it could very well be my own mistakes at work here.

However, it is the image itself that counts, I always thought so. When shooting film, the grain and inherent possible flaws of the processing should be adding to the final result, if you ask me. If I wanted flawless negatives, I probably should have been in the digital photography.

Some of these photographs were taken in the Republic of Moldova, in Nisporeni.
