
Julian Tanase Photography

My Minox journey continues…

Minox at Red Lake Romania

Minox at Red Lake Romania

The Red Lake mountain resort is not very far away from the place I live, perhaps 100 kms or so. The resort is  famous for its lake, which gets its red tinted water from the iron oxide found in the water in these parts. Trunks of old trees can be seen in the lake, petrified, with trunk tops barely reaching out of the water, hence the nickname “the killer lake”. Lots of legends and a lot of folklore can be found and heard in the area, so you may think you are in the land of fairy tales. And in a way, you are, the area is deemed dark and mysterious.

In the winter, is a splendour; no camera can do it justice, and I always had troubles with the exposure here. Serious filtering is needed, because of the multitude of angles the sun shines from, when snow covers everything. The Minox camera I used here had the ND filter on for almost all the shots, and film was Agfa APX 100 and Ilford Pan F50. I bracketed a few shots, but the film was forgivable and I got quite a number of nice shots.

