Had a few snaps around, with a Nikon FM3A and Svema Foto 100, just to further check this film type. Seems to me that working with this film is a bit of a hit and miss thing, as shots that I thought I nailed were not, and some of those believed to be really bad were not. But of those who made it, I can say that I love the grey and black tones, which came out all right. I mean, I’ve seen worse.
The main issue with this film is still the fogging of the first couple of frames, due to very very bad plastic cassette design and (probably) loading the film with not much care. I have found some films completely fogged, and when you buy like 10 of a type and get some 3 (so far) of them fogged, well, that is annoying.
But for those that made it, I can only say that I like them, even if the film has its quirks.
Processing the film in Rodinal 1+50 @ 13 mins, 20*C, continuous agitation first minute and then swirling the thing for 10″ every minute. For some reason, this film likes a lengthy fixing, so it went for about 10 minutes in 1+9.