
Julian Tanase Photography

My Minox journey continues…

Streets of Horsham in the summer

Streets of Horsham in the summer

This little town in W. Sussex was an oasis for me, while I was residing there, between 2003-2004. A quiet and unassuming little town, with its old pubs and its usual High St, lots of green fields around and very nice people. Not much happening there, although I was one in the crowds when the late HM Elisabeth II and HRH Prince Philip visited the place in 2003. Pity I didn’t had a camera with me at the time, which was unusual for me. I cannot recall the reason why my Minox was not in my pocket. So, I have no photographs from that day. However, in the spring of 2004 I witnessed the Morris dancers through the streets and photographed it.

The film here is Kodak Ultra 400, loaded in a Kodak Retina 1a, a 35mm little folding camera which is a really really really good shooter. I cannot praise enough this German example of craftmanship and ingenuity.
