This little town in W. Sussex was an oasis for me, while I was residing there, between 2003-2004. A quiet and unassuming little town, with its old pubs and its usual High St, lots of green fields around and very nice people. Not much happening there, although I was one in the crowds when the late HM Elisabeth II and HRH Prince Philip visited the place in 2003. Pity I didn’t had a camera with me at the time, which was unusual for me. I cannot recall the reason why my Minox was not in my pocket. So, I have no photographs from that day. However, in the spring of 2004 I witnessed the Morris dancers through the streets and photographed it.
The film here is Kodak Ultra 400, loaded in a Kodak Retina 1a, a 35mm little folding camera which is a really really really good shooter. I cannot praise enough this German example of craftmanship and ingenuity.