
Julian Tanase Photography

My Minox journey continues…

Vivitar Electronic 45

Vivitar Electronic 45

Not the most sophisticated meter I have encountered, on the contrary; it is not by any means a rival to the Lunasix 3, for instance. I would say that this is one of the simplest ones. I remember seeing this type of meters, sold by Jessops in London, marked Jessops too. Seemed to me too bulky for my Minox, which is what I was mainly shooting at the time. And of course, my Minox meter was working like a charm back then, so what need would’ve been for this one?

The Vivitar Electronic 45 light meter is a very easy to use: you have to pull the switch, it springs a needle which needs to be matched by another, with a circle on its top. Once you did that, read the number and then read the speed onto the shutter speed dial. As said, simple.

It surprises me how reliable it is, because by the looks of it, it is a very unassuming little gadget, light and made of what appears to be a rough plastic. But it delivers, and this is the most important thing, I guess.
