I took these photographs with a Minox 8×11 camera (IIIs), loaded with Agfa APX 400. Made a stupid mistake and this is what came out. Initially these pics were to …
Shot in the 2010’s, somewhere in the Eastern Europe, various places. The film is APX 100. Not exceedingly good pictures, but the Minox is there when you need it. I …
Found the time (finally) to cut some more 9.2mm film out of the Azopan Dokku (micro) film negative, and loaded a Minox LX with it. As I have said previously, …
Frame from a Minox film, expired 196-something, an Agfa Isopan IFF 25ASA, loaded in a Minox IIIs. Processed in Rodinal Special, and scanned on a Plustek 7200. Location is in …
I have never used this film before. What I have used though from Fomapan was the 100 and 200 type. While I wasn’t impressed by the 200 version of it, …
Random shots with Minox LX and Fomapan 100 rated 50, processed in ID11. Taken right before the Christmas of 2022, on the streets and in the supermarket, while shopping. The …
All taken with Minox IIIs and APX 100 rated 80. Something went a bit strange during the developing of this particular negative, no idea what. Perhaps the temp or agitation …
I take to the streets, at times, and attempt to photograph moments of “here and now”. Of course the eye is drawn to subject that can be easy understood, with …